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The basic function of packaging machinery

Release date:2023-08-08

With the development of the period, the progress of technology, packaging machinery in the packaging field is playing a more and more important role, its main role has the following points:

1, can greatly improve the labor consumption rate mechanical packaging is much faster than manual packaging, such as candy packaging, manual packaging sugar can only pack a dozen pieces per minute, and candy packaging machine can reach hundreds to thousands of pieces per minute, improve the efficiency of dozens of times.

2, can effectively ensure the quality of packaging mechanical packaging can be based on the needs of packaging items, according to the shape of the demand, size, to obtain specifications of different packaging, and manual packaging is not guaranteed, which is particularly important for export commodities, as long as the mechanical packaging, to reach the standardization of packaging, standardization, meet the needs of convergence packaging.

3, can complete manual packaging cannot be completed Some packaging operations, such as vacuum packaging, inflatable packaging, body packaging, isobaric filling, etc., are manual packaging can not be completed, can only be completed by mechanical packaging.

4, can reduce labor intensity, improve working conditions manual packaging labor intensity is very large, such as manual packaging of large volume, heavy weight products, both physical, and unsafe; For light and small products, due to the high frequency and monotonous action, it is easy to cause workers to have occupational diseases.

5, is conducive to the labor maintenance of workers on some products that seriously affect the health of the body, such as serious dust, toxic products, irritating, radioactive products, manual packaging will inevitably endanger health, and mechanical packaging can be prevented, and can effectively maintain the environment is not polluted.

6, can reduce packaging costs, save storage and transportation costs for lax products, such as cotton, tobacco, silk, hemp, etc., the use of tight packaging machine tight packaging, can greatly reduce the volume, thereby reducing packaging costs, while due to the volume is greatly reduced, save storage capacity, reduce storage costs, conducive to transportation.

7, can firmly ensure product health Some products, such as food, medicine packaging, according to the health law is not allowed to use manual packaging, because it will pollute the product, and mechanical packaging to prevent direct contact with food, medicine, to ensure the quality of health.

8, can promote the development of related industries Packaging machinery is a comprehensive science, it touches the data, technology, equipment, electronics, electrical appliances, automatic control and other disciplines, requests the relevant disciplines synchronous, harmonious development, any subject will affect the overall performance of packaging machinery, therefore, packaging machinery development will effectively promote the progress of related disciplines.

In addition, in order to comply with the needs of high-speed packaging machinery, its related before and after processes are bound to comply with it, which also promotes the synchronous development of relevant processes.

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